Personal Branding Photography
Briofive specializes in personal branding photography that makes your image stand out from your competitors while bringing out your authentic self. Briofive’s photographer Sandy Grigsby, is skilled in producing beautiful imagery that conveys your message and brand.

Why Personal Branding Photography?
I am fascinated by the world of personal branding photography. To me, there is no other profession that so truthfully shows who somebody is on the inside. While we live in the age of inauthentic selfies, I truly strive to uncover the beauty someone has been struggling to share with the world.
There are plenty of reasons why personal branding photography is important for anyone looking to succeed, but here are a few.
Personal Branding Photography Helps you Connect
You can place your personal branding photography on your website and use your photography on your posts on all of your social media platforms. Posts that include an image on your Facebook business page, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram posts, etc., receive 120% – 180% more visibility and engagement. The more engagement you receive on your posts, the more connections you ultimately get. In addition, using a personal photograph on your posts also gives a more genuine image of you to your potential followers and connections. People like having a face to a name; in other words, the more personal branding photography, the better!
You Only Get One First Impression
Is this not true in any part of life? When you are going on a date with someone, that first hour is critical to whether you are going to go on a second date. Or, if you are applying for a job interview, your future boss will be able to judge your demeanor in a few minutes of talking to you. Would you not want to come across as a kind, professional, attentive individual? So it is just as important that your photos shine through for others in a way that represents your best self. I often believe that it is the small things which make all of the difference. For instance, receiving a single photoshoot can help you improve your brand tremendously. I say so, because that photoshoot can last you for a long time. But, if you need to change your look, or try and convey a different image, than it is important to get another photoshoot.
Personal Branding Photography Helps Your Self Confidence
While looks are not everything in a person, we all can agree that dressing our best helps our self-confidence. Whenever we walk into a room, we want to have that “WOW Effect”. The knowledge that your online image is helping you achieve this to everyone who pays your profile a visit can help your self confidence tremendously. I’ve seen this happen personally many times. Both with myself and the clients I work with. Once we finish working together, and they upload their photos to the web, they frequently tell me how thankful they are that they took the time to work with me. Personal branding photography pays off every time, period.
Personal Branding Photography Helps You Stay Trendy
For the older professionals, how many times do you feel like you are out of touch with the times? This problem only gets worse as the pace of technological innovation increases. Even for younger professionals, I’m sure you feel the same at times. It’s just so difficult to keep up with the newest LinkedIn or Instagram updates. However, even though this is hard at times, all is not lost. Taking the time to update your profile photo every few months can help put across the image that you are trendy.
I find that senior executive professionals in the technology sector seem to benefit well from renewed headshots. Personal branding photography helps their younger employees respect them, as they see that individual as current or “hip”. While this may not seem like a pressing need for the average professional, the higher you climb up the corporate ladder, you will need to try harder to convey that feeling that you are in touch with the times.
Personal Branding Photoshoot
How to prepare for a personal branding photoshoot? Remember, your brand is not simply a logo. People want to see who you are, and the way that you portray yourself automatically shouts out your brand’s identity. Your personal brand is ultimately everything that we associate with you as a personal brand. Your personal brand is your tone of voice, your values, what you offer, and of course, how you are perceived by your target audience. A picture is worth a thousand words, therefore, it is important to express your voice, values and what you have to offer in one photograph; once you do that, your photograph will automatically resonate your voice, values and what you have to offer in return. In order to successfully prepare for a personal branding photoshoot, you have to find ways in which you will fully convey your message throughout your entire photoshoot- it’s really up to you and how you want to personally brand yourself, and we help make sure that you do just that, in the most effective way possible!
Personal Branding Photography Saves you Time and Money
What happens when you are approached by a magazine about featuring you in their article? In such situations, you surely have to provide the magazine with a personal photograph. If you already have personal branding photographs, you will not need to spend time or money taking new photos in order to feature yourself. Instead, you are able to send the magazine a photograph of your choosing, which will simultaneously shout-out your brand name because you have essentially spent time making sure that you did so when planning for your personal branding photoshoot— two birds one stone.
Personal branding allows you to connect with your audience in a way that forms a unique and genuine connection. This genuine connection is extremely empowering and it is what brings your brand’s identity to the very next level. Here at Briofive, we want to help to show your audience who you truly are, because it is not simply about how you look; it is really all about how you feel on the inside.
Reflecting that is what brings out the truest form of authenticity, and authenticity and personal branding go hand-in-hand. That is exactly what we specifically specialize in here at Briofive: personal branding through authentic portraits. We want to make experts looks like experts, to evoke confidence and to impress influence.
Trust us to bring out the very best version of you with the simple click of a camera.
Book a Call with Los Angeles Professional Brand Photographer Sandy Grigsby.