Why Nasty Gal Failed The epitome of a cool girl clothing online boutique filed bankruptcy in November 2016. This is why Nasty Gal failed, a brand that had recognition of 2.3 million followers on Instagram with a database of over 550,000 customers. In the year 2015 alone Nasty Gal made $300 million in sales. 66 [...]
Being a women entrepreneur is not easy. Here are five inspirational women entrepreneurs that are rising in 2017 that are sure to inspire you. It takes hard work, courage, and dedication to take an idea and grow it into a concrete business, let alone one that becomes successful. While there is much to learn from women who rise [...]
Photographs can be broken down into a series of categories. Within these categories are headshots and portraits. These two are often used interchangeably and the difference between them is quite subtle. For example, A headshot could be a portrait, but a portrait is not necessarily a headshot. For this reason, people are thoroughly confused about [...]
Habits control us. They control our routines, and ultimately, affect our lifestyles and moods. But science is here to tell us that there are very simple mind tricks and behaviors we can change that WILL alter our habits so we can learn how to create positive habits and stick to them. The Trigger According to [...]